Chinese Translation ? helppppp?
im doing an oral at my chinese class about my family need help can some one translate english to chinese plz i have a twin brother my mom is a nurse my family is from Philippines my mom is from italy we speak tagalog i do not have a sister my mom is italian Thanks so much Guys
Languages - 2 Answers
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1 :
我有一对åŒèƒžèƒŽ 我的妈妈是一个护士 我家æ¥è‡ªè²å¾‹å®¾ 我的妈妈æ¥è‡ª italy 我们说 tagalog 我没有一个å§å¦¹ 我的妈妈是æ„大利的
2 :
我一个åŒèƒžèƒŽå¼Ÿ (wÇ’ yÄ« ge shuÄngbÄotÄidì) = I have a twin brother 我妈妈是护士 (wÇ’ mÄma shì hùshi) = My mom is a nurse 我家è²å¾‹å®¾äºº (wÇ’ jiÄ fÄ“ilÇœbÄ«nrén) = My family is from the Philippines 我妈妈是æ„大利人 (wÇ’ mÄma shì yìdà lìrén) = My mom is from Italy / My mom is Italian æˆ‘ä»¬è¯´ä»–åŠ ç¥¿èªž (wÇ’men shuÅ tÄjiÄlùyÇ”) = We speak Tagalog 我没有å§å§ (wÇ’ méi yÇ’u jiÄ›jie) = I don't have an older sister 我没有妹妹 (wÇ’ méi yÇ’u mèimei) = I don't have a younger sister I'm not sure if åŒèƒžèƒŽå¼Ÿ (shuÄngbÄotÄidì) or 护士 (hùshi) are correctly. I'm not a native speaker, so anyone's welcome to correct me!
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