I am confused on which major to choose to get into medical school?
I am in my first year of college my major right now is nursing. I decided I much rather go to med school to be a pediatrician. I don't know if i want to major in Biology and minor in italian (I want to move to Italy in the future and I am interested in the language) or major in Psychology and minor in italian. Which would be a better major. I am interested in both biology and psychology, but don't know which one to choose. Any advice? any tips to get into med school. Thank you in advance
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
In all honesty, you can really do both majors as long as you fulfill the medical school admissions requirements. The Biology major will cover most, if not all of these subjects, while the Psychology major you will have to take the extra classes (ie: extra chemistry, physics, genetics, etc). Psychology would be good, however, if you are interested in becoming a psychiatrist. If not, I would choose Biology.
2 :
Biology would be better. Most medical schools view psychology as a joke and an easy major. Plus, you will have to take a lot of classes to fit the medical school requirements, and if you want to minor in something else, it would be a lot easier to major in Biology, not major in Psych, complete pre med requirements, and finish an Italian minor.
3 :
Well, to be politically correct, admission committees do not think a Psychology Major is a joke. It's just that Psych is known as being the least academically challenging Major one can pursue. You can be accepted with a Psych Major, but your GPAs (especially in the pre-req courses) are going to need to be high to demonstrate that you can manage the more rigorous courses in medical school. Many primary care oriented schools are now advising applicants to only take the pre-req courses and pursue other Majors that interest them. Too often, undergrad advisers are still recommending potential medical students to obtain an undergrad degree in one of the life sciences, but it isn't the preference of the primary oriented medical schools. The pre-req courses and the MCAT are the key indicators of how well a student will do in medical school, so they'd like to see you be more well rounded with diverse interests. The first layer of the reasoning behind this is that "Geeks" historically don't have good interpersonal relationships with patients. But the real reason is always money--patients don't sue doctors they like and if the doctor can establish a rapport with the patient, the outcomes are usually better.
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